Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hostel Living

I have been staying in a hostel in downtown Cape Town since my arrival.  It’s called the Penthouse on Long st. and I am staying in a room with 15 other people.  It’s actually a great situation because I meet new people so easily.  People here are mostly Australian or English.  I don’t know if you are all aware of this, but our American accent is so boring.  Sometimes I totally zone out the content of what my new friends are saying just to devote my full attention to their accents and how amazing they are.  I don’t think they notice because I am pretty good at looking like I am paying attention; it must be my extensive training in therapy.  It seems like people are visiting Cape Town / Africa for one of three reasons:


  1. To save Africa – Because Africa is helpless and can certainly be saved, especially by foreigners.
  2. To “Do” Africa – Because Africa is cool and cool places must be visited at a neurotic pace, like a hot dog eating contest.  If I don’t cage swim with sharks, climb table mountain, bungee jump, see African penguins, and take a winery tour in these two days I have in Cape Town, I am going to be miserable the rest of my life!
  3. To study in Africa – Because maybe I can get college credit, while doing a little number 1 and a lot of number 2.


I’d like to think that I am not squarely in any of these categories.  Rather than “doing” Africa, I’d like Africa to “do” me.  I am trying to think of a joke to attach to this sexual reference, but I think I’ll just leave that one up to your creative imaginations.  I’m just trying to breathe in Africa, see what it smells like, and let Her move me.  So far, I have been moved to attend to my logistical concerns: set up a bank account, figure out how to transfer money cost effectively, figure out which car I am going to buy (more on that soon), and try not to get dead.  All of these things have been going very well.  However, I have been losing the battle against jet-lag.  Actually, I haven’t just been losing, I have been getting owned.  Until 2 nights ago, I haven’t been able to sleep for longer than 3.5 hours at a time.  Two nights ago, I slept for 13 hours.  Last night, I slept 0 hours.  I feel like I am wrestling Hulk Hogan (in his prime).  Naturally, I would be inclined to give him the old-fashioned eye poke followed by a flying elbow drop off the top rope.  Instead, I find myself in a headlock, pressed up against Hulk’s sweaty man breast.  It’s not a good situation.


  1. Hi Doug,
    I am really enjoying your writing, you are really good. Please keep it coming.

  2. not getting dead and getting the abundant O hours of sleep. hoo wheee! bless the rains down in africa, it's gonna take alot to drag you away from there. I actually heard that song in a moment where you passed through my mind(thought first, song second)the station is tuned in...and i'm loving your blog, getting good doses of your funny. xoxo shari

  3. Hi Doug!
    As your mom, I am really glad the dead part is not happening. Yea. Thank god for small favors. As you recall, you can sleep when you are dead, so perhaps you shouldn't worry too much about that! I am so grateful for this blog. As a parent it allows me to see that you are still alive... always a plus...and be more updated that most parents are allowed to me being that they are parents. Actually, I feel you are very held by the gods and I am feeling so excited that you are there... listening to Her, seeing what She would like to share with teach you and to teach us through you...
    Your Momma

  4. Hi, it's your mom again. I realize that I am not actually posting anonymously, duh, but it's the only category that I could make sense of. alas.

  5. "Yo momma" is a very wise woman-though not very good at the covert operations-a little rusty on the Sherlock Holmes approach.:>)LOL Yes-you are held by the gods and the ancestors. And I love that you said you are listening to her. Please share as often as you can what she is telling you.

  6. Doug - it's so good to be able to hear what you've been up to! The team misses you. It's so great that your openness and personability has served you well in your new adventure. Please stay safe and keep up the posts.
